
Thanks for your interest. Yes, I realized context idea once i read the
documentation.I must admit the hierarchy is weird but it's a custom
installer of a site that installs on Windows machine. There is no Tomcat
manager console in place (at least I didn't see/enable).

The hierarchy is as this:

<programnameunderCdriveProgramFiles>tomcat/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF and  under
WEB-INF, there is jsp folder in which it covers the jsp pages of admin that
i want to filter out for a particular IP.

I think, there is no concern to make the change in server.xml because there
will be absolutely one web application under this Tomcat. So, the change
can be application-wide i guess.

For just testing, within the given valve above, i can filter out index.jsp
which is in the path,
<programnameunderCdriveProgramFiles>/tomcat/webapps/ROOT/ and i can filter
that particular file successfully but fail to filter

Thanks for your help.


2014-09-25 14:52 GMT+02:00 Christopher Schultz <ch...@christopherschultz.net

> Hash: SHA256
> Baran,
> On 9/24/14 5:04 PM, Baran Topal wrote:
> > Hi, following works under server.xml
> >
> > <Context path="/index.jsp" reloadable="true"> <Valve
> > className="org.apache.catalina.valves.RemoteAddrValve"
> > deny="127\.0\.0\.1"/> </Context>
> Yes, it will work, but declaring a <Context> in server.xml is a Bad
> Idea. It's better to use a META-INF/context.xml file, or, even better,
> a file in CATALINA_BASE/conf/[engine]/[host]/[webapp].xml
> > But, i need to hide my admin directory containing admin.jsp pages
> > (more than 1 jsp page)
> The above configuration will deny all users from localhost (but only
> using IPv4) for all URL patterns matching your /index.jsp context (why
> in the world would you have a context path /index.jsp?).
> Something tells me you are seriously misconfiguring this server.
> > My admin directory is in WEB-INF and WEB-INF is in the same level
> > with /index.jsp but simply, not working when i ref. the context as
> > /WEB-INF/admin
> No remote client should be able to directly access anything in
> /WEB-INF/ unless you have really done some damage to your server.
> - -chris
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> =JV6J
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