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On 9/30/14 6:56 AM, Diego Ruotolo wrote:
> Working on my company webapp I notice the following problem:
> sometimes the jsession cookie is lost, and therefore my whole http
> session is lost.
> The context is:
> - Tomcat v. 5.5.36
> - JDK 1.5.0
> - O.S. Windows
> - Client: Internet Explorer 8
> Here is my use case:
> -              I made a POST request to a servlet of my webapp
> -              While processing this request, I create a new http
> session

Did a session exist before this, or is the first time a session is
being created?

> -              Processing of the request will process a velocity
> template as last step
> -              This velocity template contains 3 calls to 3
> different servlets of my webapp, these 3 calls are made through an

How (specifically) does your Velocity template make these 3 calls to
other pages?

> -              While processing one of these 3 requests, Tomcat
> does not append jsessionid parameter to the requested URL: I have
> debugged Tomcat classes therefore I am sure of this

How are the URLs for these requests generated?

> This problem does not occur always, but just sometimes. While
> debugging Tomcat classes, I noticed that Tomcat starts 3 threads to
> manage the 3 GET requests of the velocity template, so maybe it is
> a concurrency problem.

If Tomcat is creating the threads, then they are being used to handle
the requests from a server perspective, not a client perspective. So,
if your Velocity template "includes" 3 resources and uses 3 separate
threads to fetch that data using a loopback request to Tomcat, then
the threads are either being launched by your code of Velocity, not

> Finally, I noticed that this problem does not happen if I set the
> Windows registry key HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main
> – TabProcGrowth to 0 or 1, which forces Internet Explorer to use
> one process for all tabs, not one process for single tab (which is
> the default).

When your template evaluates, does it open extra tabs or something? It
would seem that the above setting in the Windows registry shouldn't
change anything that happens on the server if only a single request is
being handled.

> Do I miss some configuration settings? Do I have to set some
> particular parameter / cookie in the first response (or in the
> velocity template) ?
> If you need more details please tell me.

It's hard to understand what's going on, here. Can you give a lot more
detail? Take us step-by-step through the process, and be as specific
as possible.

- -chris
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