Btw if you want the console logs from your application to go in your
application log file, then in that case you have to add a console appender
to your log4j configuation file(assuming you are infact using log4j).
On Oct 10, 2014 3:37 PM, "Ameer Mawia" <> wrote:

> sorry for typos.
> In in *nix environment and catalina.bat in windows environment.
> Regards,
> Ameer Mawia
> On Oct 10, 2014 3:35 PM, "Ameer Mawia" <> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Tomcat by default dump both console output and error in catalina.out
>> under tomcat-home/log directory. But you can change it any day by modifying
>> startup script in *nix environment or
>> catalina.bat in bin directory of tomcat home.
>> Regards,
>> Ameer Mawia
>> On Oct 10, 2014 2:19 PM, "M. D." <> wrote:
>>>  Hello devs,
>>> I saw this post on the Internet:
>>> > Where do System.out and System.err go in Tomcat?
>>> > By default, they will go to the console where the tomcat is started.
>>> You have to modify the startup
>>> > scripts to redirect them to appropriate files. See Tomcat Mailing List
>>> for a discussion on how to
>>> > redirect the System.out and System.err.
>>> > On the other hand, if you are running Tomcat as an NT Service, you can
>>> modify the conf/ > file and set wrapper.stdout and
>>> wrapper.stderr properties to point to your log files.
>>> So... what do I have to do in order so that Tomcat5 can redirect
>>> System.err to logfile instead of just the console.
>>> Best regards,
>>> Marin
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