Il 23.10.2014 10.11, Konstantin Kolinko ha scritto:
2014-10-23 10:44 GMT+04:00 Alessandro Manzoni <>:
Il 23.10.2014 01.49, Christopher Schultz ha scritto:

On 10/22/14 1:04 PM, Alessandro Manzoni wrote:
I configured a Resource datasouce inside context.xml but the
resulting connection is misconfigured.

The failing attribute appears as:

connectionProperties="sort=table;sort table=QSYS/QASCII"

but looking at the connection (while debugging) properties are
messed up, instead of the above 2 properties I see only 1:


It looks like the property "sort table", with a blank inside the
name, was not correctly parsed.
It sure does.

I'm using jtOpen.jar AS400JDBCDriver that supports a lot of such
strange property names:
AS/400. You are a barrel of laughs.

If I try supplying the same properties using the
connect(Properties) method, or appending them to the url, all is

Is there some special syntax to achieve my goal?
I think this is likely a bug.

Whose bug it is depends upon which connection pool you are using. Are
you using Tomcat's default pool (based upon commons-dbcp) or
tomcat-pool. If you don't know, it's probably the former.

If the bug belongs to commons-dbcp, you should report it over there
and when it gets fixed, we'll consume the changes and then Tomcat
should work properly.

What version of Tomcat are you using?
I did nothing but inserting a <Resource element into context.xml with no
factory declared, so I think it's Tomcat's default pool fault:
     <Resource name="jdbc/OmniaWebDB2400Pool" auth="Container"
         type="javax.sql.DataSource" maxActive="100" maxIdle="30"
         username="USER" password="PASS"
         connectionProperties="sort=table;sort table=QSYS/QASCII;"
         url="jdbc:as400://dbserver/SCHEMA" />

I tried both 6.037 and 7.056 versions with the same result.

Itried 8.014 too, but the prgram stops, just while getting the connection
from the datasource, datasource.getConnection() method, with this stack


even if I didn't declare any validate query in datasource definition.

Default connection pool = Apache Commons DBCP.

Searching Apache Commons DBCP source code for "connectionProperties",
there a 2 places where that property is parsed:

A) BasicDataSource.setConnectionProperties(String)

It does
String[] entries = connectionProperties.split(";");
followed by
int index = entry.indexOf('=');

It is OK.

B) BasicDataSourceFactory.getProperties(String)

This is an awful undocumented implementation with a bunch of side effects.

      * <p>Parse properties from the string. Format of the string must
be [propertyName=property;]*<p>
      * @param propText
      * @return Properties
      * @throws Exception
     private static Properties getProperties(String propText) throws Exception {
       Properties p = new Properties();
       if (propText != null) {
         p.load(new ByteArrayInputStream(
       return p;

It replaces ';' with '\n' and feeds the string as ISO-8859-1 into
Properties.load().  The same implementation of that method is present
both in current DBCP2 and in previous DBCP 1.4 used by Tomcat 7.

If this implementation is of any use, it must be properly documented.
As of now, it does not match its own javadoc which only says that
format is "[propertyName=property;]*". Neither it is documented at

The format of a properties file [1] is that
"The key contains all of the characters in the line starting with the
first non-white space character and up to, but not including, the
first unescaped '=', ':', or white space character other than a line

The workaround for you is to escape the whitespace character in key
name with '\'.
That workaround works fine! In my opinion should be documented inside tomcat doc pages.

What do you think about AbstractMethodError problem with tomcat 8?
Am I stuck to version 7, having to use jtOpen jdbc Driver?

Thanks, best regards.

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