Yes Chris RMI is a pain in the ass and I have been trying to make a
websocket client endpoint now. It however keeps closing and I am not to
sure as of why right after the connection is open.
has the code, asked the questions on there and have not gotten any answers.
If you could you may look at the code and reply in this email chain why it
keeps closing right after it opens. It is straight forward (as of what i
know understand) my ignorance was due to being new to tomcat and websockets
so sorry for any of that.

On Wed, Oct 29, 2014 at 1:47 PM, Christopher Schultz <> wrote:

> Hash: SHA256
> Jason,
> On 10/29/14 8:28 AM, Jason Ricles wrote:
> > foo is not a webapp, it is a separate program running on the
> > computer as a daemon.
> I understand that. I'm only suggesting that, since you have to
> communicate with Websocket-speaking web application, maybe foo ought
> to be a Websocket client of that webapp.
> > It has to do this stuff for it needed to be ran like this. bar is
> > basically the gui to the daemon, providing what is happening on
> > the machine to someone at another computer, since the machine is
> > headless these programs are being ran on.
> So you have a data-collection program (the foo daemon) and an
> aggregating / reporting program (the webapp). It seems like it would
> be pretty simple to have the daemon push data to the webapp over
> Websocket. Then your data consumers (themselves Websocket clients) can
> get that same data pushed-out to them.
> Maybe I'm being naive, but this seems fairly straightforward to me.
> > So I am curious as to how having my foo program running outside of
> >  bar how it can interact using websockets?
> Grab the Tomcat Websocket client library and write your code to use it
> for communication. Or use any other Java-based Websocket client
> library. Or write your daemon in something other than Java and use
> whatever Websocket library is available (Perl? PHP? C++?).
> > So far I have seen that they are disconnected and have no clue
> > about each other outside of using RMI.
> RMI is a complete pain in the ass except under some very special
> circumstances. It sounds like you might fit into those special
> circumstances, so feel free to give it a try.
> If it were me, I'd do it all with Websockets:
> 1. Foo Daemon -> web aggregator
> 2. web aggregator -> data consumers
> - -chris
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> =xzLA
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