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Chris G,

On 11/24/2014 7:55 PM, Chris Gamache wrote:
> So first, I'd be glad to. Just to be clear-- I'm not in need of a
> lecture, but will willingly take one if anyone can help me get down
> to a solution. My first attempt at asking for some assistance was
> met with crickets. I haven't figured out why when I post (what I
> think are) well written, well researched and discussion-provoking
> questions they get no traction but if I cry "the sky is falling"
> folks are more willing to attempt to lend a hand. Here's my go at
> attempt #3:
> I have a tomcat cluster. It is set up with much care according to 
> http://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-7.0-doc/cluster-howto.html.
> It mostly works fine. On occasion (twice a week or so) there will
> be one or more servers which didn't get the message that a new war
> was deployed (continuous deployment using the tomcat parallel
> deployment scheme. e.g. theapp##007.war) and they happily continue
> to run the old version of the war.
> In a farm deployment scenario, the master node will announce to the
> cluster a new artifact is available and then the clustered tomcats
> will retrieve and deploy the new artifact. I can't pin down the
> problem, but let just say for argument's sake it is a true
> link-down situation. There doesn't seem to exist a mechanism to
> re-announce, or announce at regular intervals. This seems like a
> real weakness in the scheme. That makes me think I'm missing 
> something obvious. If it works like it says it should in the docs
> I shouldn't be having this issue. Either there's something wrong
> with my config or there's a problem with tomcat. Based on the hair
> I have left after pulling mine out, I'm leaning toward a problem
> with tomcat. Is anyone leveraging FarmWebDeployer and Parallel
> Deployment in their architecture successfully? If so, DenverCoder9,
> what did you see?!?
> P.S. the sky is falling :)
> On Mon, Nov 24, 2014 at 7:36 PM, Leo Donahue <donahu...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> On Mon, Nov 24, 2014 at 5:48 PM, Chris Gamache
>> <cgama...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Tomcat 7 ... Working with parallel deployment, tomcat servers
>>> in my farm are getting out-of-sync, not getting new versions of
>>> war files deployed
>> to
>>> the main tomcat. What could be going wrong and how can I fix
>>> it?
>>> Pleez Help!
>> Before anyone lectures you on your type of question and lack of
>> specifics, re-submit a better question to get a better response.

As Leo has pointed out, we do need a bit more information in order to
hazard a guess (or ask more questions).

Let's start with the basics.

1. Which version of Tomcat 7?
2. What operating system?
3. If the OS is Linux, did you install Tomcat from the distro or
4. What JVM are you using (specific version and bits)?

Now for your infrastructure:

1. How are the clustered machines connected (network, multicast, etc.)?

Now for your Tomcat configuration:

1. Where is your watchDir set?

I have found that setting watchDir = deployDir to not be a good thing.
It's been a while since I've run a cluster, but my archived
configuration has them separate.

2. What is your processDeployFrequency?

Lower is better, at the cost of some performance. I had mine set at 4.
The default is 2.

When the error happens (ie., no updates to slave nodes):

1. What were the events leading up to the failure (errored slave gets
removed and re-added to the cluster, perhaps)?

2. Can you increase the logging level to determine what may be going on?

See some of my posts in this mailing list concerning cluster logging
on how to do this.

Finally, post (in-line) your cluster configuration (both your deployer
and your slave).

That's a start. I'm sure we'll have more questions.

However, without some information I'm afraid we'll have to fall back
to Pid's crystal ball. Sometimes it's spot on, and other times it
leads to a rather interesting goose chase.

As an aside - while I've run clustering and farm deployment with
Tomcat 7, I've not tried it in combination with parallel deployment.

As another aside - I don't know how the farm deployer recovers from a
failure mode (Tomcat absent from the cluster at time of deployment). I
should look at the code (or you can).

. . . just my two cents.
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