Anyone ever suggested? No idea. But I'd be glad to riff on the subject in
case it shakes some discussion loose.

I haven't seen a filter like that, but I'm sure you could work it out. If I
were implementing it I would use a Valve... Valves are easy to write- just
extend org.apache.catalina.valves.ValveBase and wire it into your xml
configurations. You could probably be more sophisticated in your
throttling, letting certain IPs or requests through while tarpitting others.

A number of considerations; these off the top of my head--

You'd have to be okay with holding the request thread open and making it
sleep. I guess you could serve a 503 if it were overloaded. Consider your
memory usage. I've read horror stories about GC pauses wreaking havoc.
If you have a farm of tomcats that would be participating you'd need to
work out a way for them to communicate with one another for global counter

On Tue, Dec 2, 2014 at 12:28 PM, Leo Donahue <> wrote:

> Has anyone ever suggested a configurable throttle filter as one of the
> container provided filters in Tomcat?
> Or are people generally using the attributes in the HTPP connector for
> limiting requests to the server for a given amount of time?
> leo

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