Thanks for the response ,

So the value itself is returned and not an ELExpression, The API said
A LambdaExpression is created when an EL expression containing a Lambda
expression is evaluated. So I figured that we will always get back a

Now I am trying to print some values in the same case, and keep on getting
Null , any ideas what is wrong here,

protected void doGet... {
             ELProcessor elp = new ELProcessor();
            sos.println("Test: " + (LambdaExpression)
(elp.eval("()->System.out.println(\"Hello World\")")));

On Mon, Dec 15, 2014 at 4:20 PM, Mark Thomas <> wrote:
> On 15/12/2014 21:13, David Wall wrote:
> > On 12/15/2014 12:19 PM, Anup Aggarwal wrote:
> >> Hi,
> >>
> >> I am new to learn the LambdaExpression , and I am trying to run a test
> >> with
> >> JDK7 on Tomcat_8_0_15 server
> >
> > Don't you need JDK8 for Lamdas?
> Not in this case, no. The EL 3.0 specification includes a form of lambda
> support and requires Java 7 or later.
> Mark
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