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On 1/13/15 11:32 PM, Darren Davis wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 13, 2015 at 8:39 PM, Christopher Schultz < 
> ch...@christopherschultz.net> wrote:
> Darren,
> (Sorry... just had to remove that monstrous stack trace...)
> On 1/13/15 5:04 PM, Darren Davis wrote:
>>>> Hi Christopher.  Yes, we've tried a show process list and can
>>>> find no evidence of the validation query running on mysql.
> Strange. Maybe you are waiting for the db server's buffer to flush
> or something like that.
>> I think this is because the client thinks it still has an open
>> connection, the client net stat command shows an open connection
>> over port 3306, at least for a few minutes after it's killed by
>> the load balancer.  The Server loses its connection in netstat
>> immediately.
>>>> We also just tried an experiment outside of Tomcat
>>>> completely, but connecting to a downed web server host and
>>>> manually opening up a mysql client connection to the data
>>>> server and executing a single command.
>>>> We left that client window idle for an hour and 5 minutes,
>>>> and attempted to execute a simple select count(*) command
>>>> against a tiny table.  The client attempted to execute the
>>>> query, and a NetStat on that box showed an open connection
>>>> between the two servers using port 3306.  We also checked the
>>>> process list during this time and could not find any queries
>>>> at all from the sever in question.
>>>> At about the 15 minute wait mark, the client finally came
>>>> back with this message: "ERROR 2013 (HY000): Lost connection
>>>> to MySQL server during query.
> Was this with the MySQL command-line client? What query did you
> issue ("SELECT 1")?
>> Yes, it was just the command line client, and we issued a select
>> count(*) from a table with a couple rows in it.
>>>> Attempting the execute the command a 2nd time (using the up 
>>>> arrow), re-established the connection and it ran perfectly in
>>>> a few milliseconds.
> That's interesting. I've never experienced anything like that with 
> MySQL, but we use a VLAN between our application and database
> servers with no hardware firewall, so we don't have any connection
> timeout problems. Also, when connections are dropped due to
> inactivity, they re-connect without any problems.
>>>> I checked the mysql configuration and it is set to the
>>>> default values for keeping connections/interactive
>>>> connections open (for 8 hours), so it seems that maybe the
>>>> Cisco firewall between the two servers is terminating
>>>> connections out from under us, but in a way what the O/S
>>>> cannot detect it.
> What if you set that idle connection timeout to something like 5 
> minutes? Can you reproduce this issue more quickly? Can you look
> at the fw configuration to see if you can change the idle timeout
> /down/ to something more testable?
> As part of our move to the new versions of Tomcat/Java, we are in a
> new
>> cloud environment which features a different type of firewall.
>> The provider confirmed to us late today, that it is configured to
>> kill "idle" TCP connections after an hour, which is something our
>> old firewall didn't do.
>> Because we sometimes have low traffic during this time of the
>> year, especially on the weekends, what we think is happening is
>> that one or more of the minimum 10 connections is going unused
>> for more than an hour, and since we didn't have any connection
>> testing while idle turned on, they were being killed by the
>> firewall out from under the pool, and depending on how soon they
>> were used after that, we would run into the 15 minute delay 
>> before they were deemed lost, and replaced with a new
>> connection.

This should be entirely possible. That's the point of the
connection-validation operation (whether done by an actual query or
not). The question is why the connection is being dropped in a way
that is thwarting the connection-validation at all. It may come down
to some kind of OS-level setting, or a slightly different
configuration on the firewall.

It seems that removing the firewall's idle-connection policy would be
an easy way to try to get around this issue at least temporarily.

>>>> I've also fired up the yourKit profiler on this box and am
>>>> seeing other threads which have had to wait in the same 
>>>> SocketInputStream.read code, all three started a few seconds
>>>> apart, it just wasn't detected as a deadlock, because it took
>>>> place outside of any synchronized methods.
> What makes you think it's deadlock? Deadlock is a very specific
> thing. Just because many threads are waiting in
> SocketInputStream.read doesn't mean there are any threading issues
> at all. I suspect that each SocketInputStream is distinct and only
> in use by a single thread. The threads are blocked on I/O, right?
> So they aren't waiting on a monitor. The best you could do would be
> to find the native file descriptor for each socket and determine
> that they are different from each other. I would be very surprised
> if they are the same, used across threads. If you *are* using
> Connection objects across threads, you should be very careful.
> Connection objects ought to be threadsafe (I think) but use of
> Statement and ResultSet objects across threads is a terrible idea.
>> We have a couple of synchronized methods in two of our services
>> which hold locks in order to update a centralized record.  We
>> realize this is a bad design and are already working on
>> re-factoring this code to remove this need.

Yes: this won't work if you have more than one instance of the
application running.

>> We've have a few instances where the 15 minute wait has happened 
>> inside of the synchronized block of code, meaning that several
>> other threads are also having to wait for the 15 minutes to end
>> before they get their turn inside that block of code.  Our
>> website analyzer (YourKit) can detect this blocked threads as
>> deadlocks, and colors them red in the thread graph.

In those cases, the sync block would not have occurred in the
SocketInputStream, though... it would have occurred in your code
somewhere. YourKit displays threads waiting on a monitor in red, but
waiting on a monitor does not itself indicate deadlock.

Deadlock occurs when two (or more) threads are holding locks against
each other such that none of the threads can ever proceed. If you use
"synchronized" then this is easy to do because "synchronized" doesn't
allow your code to attempt to acquire a lock and give up after a
certain period of time. If you want that kind of behavior, you need to
look at using a different kind of lock (like java.util.concurrent.Lock).

>>>> It seems that sometime around the hour mark, connections get 
>>>> dropped, so we're thinking that either adding idle checking
>>>> or dropping old connections may help us avoid this.  Although
>>>> we are a little concerned by the various Connector / J
>>>> alleged socket read issues which may as a possible problem.
> I don't think you should blame Connector/J at this point. They may 
> have ClassLoader pinning issues (don't get me started), but the
> driver is fairly robust and mature.
>>>> We're running an older 5.1.18 version of the Connector/J
>>>> driver, but aren't sure of moving to the latest .34 release
>>>> would change anything.
> We are also still using 5.1.18 and have never had any of these
> kinds of issues. I would highly suspect the network environment.
> See what you can find out by tinkering with the firewall and db
> idle policies. You may find that the pipe across the network gets
> into a state where the client is sure the connection is still
> valid, but it's simply never going to return any data. In that
> case, you'll need to figure out how to have that connection fail
> faster.
> Do you have a read-timeout set on your driver?
>> We have re-configured the driver by setting maxAge to 360000, 
>> testWhileIdle to true, validationQueryTimeout to 5,
>> logValidationErrors to true.  We restarted the Tomcat service 5
>> 1/2 hours ago, and so far haven't seen this error return yet.  We
>> are also hopeful that even if it did, the validationQueryTimeout
>> change would prevent it from holding things up for 15 minutes.
>> We really appreciate all of the feedback from you and others
>> today, since we've focused most of our dev team on trying to
>> understand and troubleshoot this issue for the past few days.

Good luck. This kind of thing can drive you insane.

- -chris
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