On Sat, Feb 14, 2015 at 4:48 AM, André Warnier <a...@ice-sa.com> wrote:

> Jeff Kohut wrote:
>> I am running Tomcat  7.0.54 on a Windows 2008 R1 with SP1 platform.
>> I would like to control the contents of what gets logged to the Tomcat
>>  localhost_access_log
>> specifically , I would like to remove logging of entries like :
>> - - [13/Feb/2015:00:00:07 -0600] "GET /atb HTTP/1.0" 200 573
>> - - [13/Feb/2015:00:00:08 -0600] "GET /atb HTTP/1.0" 200 561
> Naive question : why make it complicated and add overhead to your Tomcat
> process in order to do that ?
> Why not leaving the access log as it is, and use an external filtering
> program as and when you need it ?
> like
> grep -v -e "^GET \/atb " access.log > clean_access.log
> comes to mind..
> Or, if you have several patterns to filter out :
> grep -v -f file_with_patterns access.log > clean_access.log
> In addition, one might argue that this leaves in existence at least one
> version of the access log which is really accurate, if you ever need it.
> I will consider your suggestion, as it does not look like I may have the
> option to do what I originally would have preferred to do with built in
> Tomcat functionality. Sorry if my question seemed naive, but since Tomcat
> had options to control what was written out to the access log file, I
> thought it might also have some options to control if ANYTHING was written
> to the access log for certain entries(and possible in the configuration
> itself.I suppose if everyone was an expert, then there would be no need for
> these mailing lists. Thank you for your time and response.

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