
We are using Apache Tomcat 5.5, JDK 1.5 and have a internal portal on our 
intranet which is written in java jsp struts and jsp.
I know that the tomcat and Java versions are old, but upgrading isn't a quick 
thing to do without lots of testing.

The issue we have is that the users keep getting the authentication box popping 
up asking for username and password when using the portal in Internet Explorer.
One of the users has noticed that when they use Chrome, they don't seem to get 
this popup constantly.  Authentication is against the Active Directory using 
JCIFS (I know it's discontinued, but to re-write and test is not feasible at 
the moment).  The users are meant to be using Internet Explorer as not 
everything works in Chrome. 

We have been trying to work out this issue for some time, with no success.  The 
user saying that it works in Chrome makes us wonder if there's something within 
Internet Explorer that is possibly dropping the connection or something for it 
to keep asking the user for username and password.  Or is there something that 
Internet Explorer doesn't like with Apache Tomcat?

Any  help/guidance on this issue is greatly appreciated.


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