
This list is a Tomcat help list. We specialise in helping people resolve problems related to using Tomcat, and Tomcat is a Java Servlet Engine : a specialised kind of webserver, whose main purpose is running Java servlets (a kind of Java program written specially to be run in such an engine, usually in a web context).

But it seems that there could be a fundamental misunderstanding, and that maybe you do not need Tomcat at all for doing what you want to do.

If the "bit of code" of which you were talking, is something that needs to run in the browser (not the server), then you do not need any additional webserver, and the IIS you have been using so far is fine and enough. And if you have a problem running that code, the problem is not on the server side, it is on the workstation side.

The basic question is : what is that piece of code that you need to run ? Is it something that is included in the HTML page ? If yes, is it *javascript* or *java* code ? Contrarily to what the name would tend to indicate, these are 2 totally different programming languages. Can you copy and paste here the content of that HTML page (or the relevant part of it), and point us to where in that page is the code that should run ?

(Please use copy-and-paste, do not just "attach" the HTML page. This list strips most attachments).

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