
I have an issue that I investigate and it led me to the implementation
of org.apache.catalina.startup.WebappServiceLoader.load(Class<T>)

So I have two scenarios:
- web application with web fragment inside the archive (WEB-INF/lib)
- web application with functionality of the fragment copied directly to the
WEB-INF classes i.e. there is no web fragment.

In the first scenario we (WebappServiceLoader.load) will search for SCIs in
the web fragment using web app loader and then on row 121 we will switch to
the paren loader and then continue searching the SCIs in other locations.
In the second scenario we will search for SCIs always with the web app

The problem that I'm investigating is in OSGi environment where the parent
loader of the web app loader does not mean the same as in non OSGi
environment. When there is no web fragment I can find the container SCIs
(e.g. Web Socket implementation), but when there is web fragment I cannot
find the SCIs anymore because of the switch of the loaders.

Can you give me an advice how to overcome this issue?
I'm trying to use as much as possible from Tomcat implementation and to
plug only here and there in order to support OSGi environment.

I'm debugging with sources from Tomcat 7 trunk.


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