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On 19/03/2015 11:50, Thusitha Thilina Dayaratne wrote:
> Hi All,
> Prior to Tomcat 7.0.58, we are able to set the context as "/".

There are lots of things you can set configuration values to and Tomcat
will still start. That doesn't mean that they are sensible settings or
even valid ones. While Tomcat will usually catch obviously broken
settings, users are expected to RTFM before they start changing things.

"/" has never been a valid value for the context path as has been made
clear in the Servlet specification and the Tomcat docs for as long as I
can remember (10+ years).


> Is there a any specific reason for this change?
> Why it is not allowing to set the context path as "/"

There is no change. That has never been valid. That it worked in some
subset of previous Tomcat versions is nothing more than luck.


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