Am 23.03.2015 13:33, schrieb Konstantin Kolinko:
Make sure that you have cleaned the work directory of the web application (from compiled classes of JSPs and tags compiled by older versions). Make sure that you do not have odd old Jasper jars in your WEB-INF/lib directory, e.g. pulled there due to your misconfiguration of a Maven POM. The "The type Set is not generic" error is rather odd, but you cannot run Tomcat 8 with such an old version of Java where the Set class is not generic. Look into generated *.java source code.

Had no luck; no jasper.jar in our lib directory, we use Java 7 that should have no problem with generics, work dir was emptied...

Strange thing is that it works with Tomcat 8.0.11.

Was there anything changed from 8.0.11 to 8.0.20 that affects JSP
Majority of changes listed in "Jasper" section of changelog affect JSP

Best regards,
Konstantin Kolinko

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