Following the update of the tomcat 7 version from 7.0.28-4 to 7.0.56-1
hoping to improve our application performances we experienced a quick
freeze of the application under a standard load (that was handle by
previous tomcat version without particular issue).

Our application is behind a nginx server and receives a high volume of HTTP
requests from client and is using servlet 3.0 async features.

While investigating we made following observations:
1/ catalina.out shows a high number of IOException Broken pipe.
2/ a high number of CLOSE_WAIT appear between nginx and tomcat.

I have uploaded a catalina log, an lsof and a netstat capture made while
the issue was happening: (email
size limit prevented me from attaching them to the message).
Any pointer is welcomed. Also is there a way to have more details on
connection status of tomcat ?


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