Ok so I went back to basics and created three new VM's.

Windows Server 2008 R2
Windows 7 Client
Windows 7 Tomcat

I still had same issues, until I changed the Java on the tomcat server to JDK 7 

It appears there are breaking changes to JAAS/GSS in newer JDKs ?


> From: dmars...@outlook.com
> To: users@tomcat.apache.org
> Subject: RE: SPNEGO test configuration with Manager webapp
> Date: Fri, 27 Mar 2015 23:40:06 +0000
> By the way Tomcat 8 was running on JDK :-
> C:\Windows\system32>java -version
> java version "1.8.0_40"
> Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_40-b26)
> Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 25.40-b25, mixed mode)
> Version update 40 should include some JRE fixes around GSS and SPNEGO, 
> including ignoring parts of NegoEx, however
> it does not seem to work.
> I've also created a Windows 7 client with same config just different DNS of 
> win-pc02.kerbtest.local
> It has the same issue going from firefox to 
> http://win-tc01.kerbtest.local/manager/html
> I get the same three 401's and the Negotiate.
> ----------------------------------------
>> Date: Thu, 26 Mar 2015 12:11:34 +0100
>> From: a...@ice-sa.com
>> To: users@tomcat.apache.org
>> Subject: Re: SPNEGO test configuration with Manager webapp
>> David Marsh wrote:
>>> Hi Mark,
>>> Thanks for that, yes I've got 30 years windows experience, I can use Linux 
>>> at a push but its not really my area expertise.
>>> I'm a Java / Windows programmer so I should be able to understand it, but 
>>> not kerberos or Active Directory expert.
>>> I have used Waffle in the past with success and used JAAS/GSS-API in Java 
>>> thick clients.
>>> I made the IE settings you outlined but it seems to still prompt.
>>> IE has win-tc01.kerbtest.local as a trusted site.
>>> Enable Windows Integrated Authentication is on
>>> Auto logon only in Intranet Zone is on
>>> I've been using Firefox to test and that does send 401 and negotiate, but 
>>> causes the GSS token error mentioned.
>>> Active directory and krb5.ini are using eType 23 which is rc4-hmac
>>> The windows client OS and tomcat server OS has registry setting for 
>>> allowtgtsessionkey set to 1 (enabled).
>>> Java kinit test works and stores a ticket in the Java session cache.
>>> So problem seems to be either :-
>>> 1. Browser sends bad token
>>> 2. Token is good but Oracle JDK 8 GSS-API cannot handle it
>> Another shot almost in the dark : while browsing hundreds of 
>> Kerberos-related pages on the
>> WWW, one other recommendation which seems to appear regularly (and Mark also 
>> mentioned
>> that somewhere), is that each time you make a change somewhere, you should 
>> reboot the
>> machine afterward, before re-testing. (Particularly on Windows machines).
>> I know it's a PITA, but I have also found the same to be true sometimes when 
>> merely
>> dealing with NTLM matters. There are probably some hidden caches that get 
>> cleared only in
>> that way.
>>> many thanks
>>> David
>>>> Date: Thu, 26 Mar 2015 11:32:39 +0100
>>>> From: a...@ice-sa.com
>>>> To: users@tomcat.apache.org
>>>> Subject: Re: SPNEGO test configuration with Manager webapp
>>>> David Marsh wrote:
>>>>> Hi Mark,
>>>>> Thanks that would be great !
>>>>> Do you have a good mechanism to test and ensure kerberos token is passed 
>>>>> to tomcat and not NTLM token ?
>>>> I believe that I can answer that.
>>>> And the basic answer is no.
>>>> First the basic principle, valid for this and many many other areas : the 
>>>> server cannot
>>>> "impose" anything on the browser. The local user can always override 
>>>> anything received
>>>> from the server, by a setting in the browser. And a hacker can of course 
>>>> do anything.
>>>> All the server can do, is tell the browser what it will accept, and the 
>>>> browser can tell
>>>> the server ditto.
>>>> So, never assume the opposite, and you will save yourself a lot of 
>>>> fruitless searches and
>>>> dead-ends.
>>>> Now more specific :
>>>> 1) For Kerberos to be used at all at the browser level, the server must 
>>>> send a 401
>>>> response with "Negociate" as the requested authentication method. Unless 
>>>> it does that,
>>>> the browser will never even attempt to send a Kerberos "Authorization" 
>>>> back.
>>>> 2) for the browser to consider returning a Kerberos Authorization header 
>>>> to the server,
>>>> additional conditions depend on the browser.
>>>> For IE :
>>>> a) the "enable Windows Integrated Authentication" setting must be on 
>>>> (checked), whether
>>>> this is done locally by the user, or part of the standard IE settings 
>>>> company-wide, or
>>>> imposed by some "network policy" at corporate level.
>>>> b) the server to which the browser is talking, must be known to IE as 
>>>> either
>>>> - part of the "Intranet"
>>>> - or at least a "trusted" server
>>>> That is defined in IE's "security zones" (which again can be local, or 
>>>> corporation-wide).
>>>> If condition (a) is not met, when the server sends a 401 "Negociate", IE 
>>>> will fall back to
>>>> NTLM, always. And there is nothing you can do about that at the server 
>>>> level.
>>>> (Funnily enough, disabling the "enable Windows Integrated Authentication" 
>>>> at the IE level,
>>>> has the effect of disabling Kerberos, but not NTLM).
>>>> If condition (b) is not met, IE will try neither Kerberos nor NTLM, and it 
>>>> /might/ fall
>>>> back to Basic authentication, if its other settings allow that. That's 
>>>> when you see the
>>>> browser popup login dialog; and in an SSO context, this is a sure sign 
>>>> that something
>>>> isn't working as expected.
>>>> Some authentication modules, at the server level, are able to adapt to 
>>>> what the browser
>>>> sends, others not. I believe that Waffle can accept either browser NTLM or 
>>>> Kerberos
>>>> authentication. Waffle works only on a Windows Tomcat server, not on a 
>>>> Linux Tomcat server.
>>>> I do not know about the SPNEGO thing in Tomcat (from the name, it should).
>>>> The Jespa module from www.ioplex.com does not handle Kerberos, just NTLM, 
>>>> but it works
>>>> under both Windows and Linux.
>>>> And finally, about your problems : it seems that you have fallen in a very 
>>>> specific kind
>>>> of hell, because you are trying to talk to a Windows-based Kerberos KDC 
>>>> (which is using
>>>> Windows Kerberos libraries and encryption method choices and hostname 
>>>> formats etc..), from
>>>> a Java JVM-based "client" (in this case the Tomcat server, whatever its 
>>>> underlying
>>>> platform is), which is using Java Kerberos libraries and encryption method 
>>>> choices etc...
>>>> And it seems that between this Java Kerberos part and the Windows Kerberos 
>>>> part, there
>>>> are a number of areas of mutual incomprehension (such as which key 
>>>> encryption methods they
>>>> each implement, or which ones are the "default" ones for each).
>>>> And I am sure that the issue can be resolved. But it is probably a 
>>>> question of finding
>>>> out which among the 25 or more settings one can alter on each side, 
>>>> overlap and either
>>>> agree or contradict eachother.
>>>> One underlying issue is that, as well in corporations as on the WWW, the 
>>>> "Windows people"
>>>> and the "Linux people" tend to be 2 separate groups. If you ask the 
>>>> "Windows people" how
>>>> to set this up, they will tell you "just do this and it works" (assuming 
>>>> that all the
>>>> moving parts are Windows-based); and if you ask the "Linux people", they 
>>>> will tell you
>>>> "just do this and it works" (assuming that all the moving parts are 
>>>> Linux-based).
>>>> And there are very few people (and web pages) which span both worlds with 
>>>> their various
>>>> combinations.
>>>>> David
>>>>>> Date: Thu, 26 Mar 2015 09:00:22 +0000
>>>>>> From: ma...@apache.org
>>>>>> To: users@tomcat.apache.org
>>>>>> Subject: Re: SPNEGO test configuration with Manager webapp
>>>>>> On 26/03/2015 00:36, David Marsh wrote:
>>>>>>> Still getting :-
>>>>>>> java.security.PrivilegedActionException: GSSException: Defective token 
>>>>>>> detected (Mechanism level: G
>>>>>>> SSHeader did not find the right tag)
>>>>>>> Folks here mention lack of NegoEx support or bugs in GSS-APi ?
>>>>>>> http://sourceforge.net/p/spnego/discussion/1003769/thread/990913cc/?page=1
>>>>>>> Does Tomcat 8 work with NegoEx ?
>>>>>>> Is Windows 8.1 and Windows Server 2012 RC2 supported ?
>>>>>> My test environment is Windows 2008 R2 server and Windows 7. It is
>>>>>> certainly possibly security has been tightened between those versions
>>>>>> and 2012/R2 + 8 that means things don't work by default with Java.
>>>>>> I'll see if I can find some time in the next few weeks to update my test
>>>>>> environment and do some more testing.
>>>>>> Mark
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