
I'm using embedded-tomcat 8.0.20 in my project. In that I'm parsing a
custom server.xml file. After the parsing CatalinaBase value of the Server
is set to null.
Could someone tell me why would be the reason?
Before parsing the file it is set to the correct path.

Here is the code segment
ExtendedCatalina catalina = new ExtendedCatalina();

Digester digester = catalina.createStartDigester();
digester.push(this); /* Here this refers to an instance of the
extended Tomcat class*/
digester.parse(inputStream); /*After this line get executed
getServer().getCatalinaBase() is null */

class ExtendedCatalina extends Catalina {
    public Digester createStartDigester() {
        return super.createStartDigester();

Thusitha Dayaratne
Software Engineer
WSO2 Inc. - lean . enterprise . middleware |  wso2.com

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