Leggio, Andrew wrote:
I have the following being used in my conf file:

<IfModule mod_proxy_ajp.so>
  ProxyPass / ajp://localhost:8009/

Does this actually direct jsp files to use Tomcat?

That is a funny way of putting it.
What the above does - if everything else is installed and configured correctly - is proxying *all* HTTP requests originally directed to Apache httpd (including requests for any JSP page), toward a Tomcat supposedly running on the same host, and supposedly listening on port 8009.
Now whether this is actually what is happening or not, is anyone's guess so far.
Chances are that this is not happening though, since otherwise you probably would not be asking what's wrong.

The question is also : if you are going to proxy all requests from Apache httpd to Tomcat anyway, then why do you think that you need Apache httpd ?

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