
I am running a website with a load balancer (software) and three web
servers, each of which deploys an instance of Tomcat 7. While the other two
web servers look OK, there is one web server which often gives me trouble
after restarting Tomcat.

Basically, the maxThread (2000) is reached and the server is almost not
accessible. When I open the server:8080/manager of that server, I found
that all the Stages under "http-nio-8080" are "S"! The values of "BSent"
and "BRecv" are all 0 KB. What does that mean? To solve this problem, the
only way I know is to restart Tomcat, but after several days, the problem
emerges again.

These three servers are deployed in exactly the same way, so it is very
strange that one of them uses all 2000 theads, but the others use only less
than 300 threads! Currently, the load balancer distributes 3/7 traffic to
Server 1, 2/7 traffic to Server 2, and 2/7 traffic to Server 3.  The
problematic server is Server 2.

Jian Wu

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