Am 29. April 2015 14:54:36 MESZ, schrieb Subhro Paul <>:
>-----Christopher Schultz <> wrote: -----
>To: Tomcat Users List <>
>From: Christopher Schultz <>
>Date: 04/24/2015 07:14PM
>Subject: Re: Tomcat Thread issue
>Hash: SHA256
>On 4/24/15 3:19 AM, Felix Schumacher wrote:
>> Am 24. April 2015 09:08:08 MESZ, schrieb Subhro Paul
>> <>:
>>> -----Subhro Paul <> wrote: ----- To:
>>> From: Subhro Paul <> 
>>> Date: 04/23/2015 06:20PM Subject: Re: Tomcat Thread issue
>>> -----Daniel Mikusa <> wrote: ----- To: Tomcat
>>> Users List <> From: Daniel Mikusa
>>> <> Date: 04/23/2015 05:01PM Subject: Re: Tomcat
>>> Thread issue
>>> On Thu, Apr 23, 2015 at 7:15 AM, Subhro Paul
>>> <> wrote:
>>>> Dear Team,
>>>> One of our client's website stopped working yesterday. We
>>>> observed
>>> that
>>>> Tomcat servers were not working properly during that time. We
>>>> have
>>> checked
>>>> the memory usage of the server was fine but in the Catalina.out
>>>> log
>>> we
>>>> found it was already reached to max thread which is 512 though
>>>> the
>>> number
>>>> of connections to the server was normal. We took a thread dump
>>>> from
>>> the
>>>> server using VisualVM and we got the below message from
>>>> threaddump:
>>> Since a thread dump is a point in time snapshot, you should
>>> always take multiple thread dumps, with a few seconds in between
>>> each one.  This gives you additional perspective as to what's
>>> happening with the threads over a period of time.
>>>> "http-8080-1" - Thread t@22
>>>> java.lang.Thread.State: BLOCKED
>>>> at java.util.Vector$1.nextElement(
>>>> - waiting to lock <37749687> (a java.util.Vector) owned
>>> by
>>>> "http-8080-116" t@161
>>>> at 
>>>> org.apache.jsp.includes.header_jsp._jspService(
>Look at what header.jsp is doing.  It seems to be doing something with
>>> the Vector class which is causing the thread to block.
>>>> at 
>>>> org.apache.jasper.runtime.HttpJspBase.service(
>>> javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
>>>> at
>>>> org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.service(
>>> javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
>>>> at
>>>> org.apache.jasper.runtime.HttpJspBase.service(
>>> javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
>>>> at
>>>> org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.service(
>>> javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
>>>> at
>>>> Locked ownable synchronizers:
>>>> - ÿ ÿ ÿ ÿ ÿNone
>>>> This was coming for different threads. Once we restarted the
>>>> servers,
>>> the
>>>> website back to normal again but we got the below exception in
>>>> the
>>> log :
>>>> Apr 22, 2015 11:15:28 AM
>>>> org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoader 
>>>> clearReferencesThreads
>>>> SEVERE: A web application appears to have started a thread
>>>> named [http-8080-1] but has failed to stop it. This is very
>>>> likely to
>>> create a
>>>> memory leak.
>>> This means your app started a thread and failed to properly stop
>>> it. &#732;If you stopped the process completely, this is not going
>>> cause any problems because the entire process would have exited
>>> and so this thread would go away any way. &#732;If you're doing
>>> hot redeploy's (i.e. deplying apps without restarting the
>>> process), this could cause problems. &#732;Either way, when you 
>>> have a moment you should try to investigate what is creating
>>> that thread and setup something to properly close it.
>>>> So, we want to know while the thread is blocked is it like
>>>> deadlock condition for which all threads were unavailable?
>>> The thread dump simply lists the thread as "blocked". &#732;This 
>>> generally means that at some point it will complete, so it's not
>>> technically a deadlock. If you had multiple thread dumps, you
>>> could watch the thread across all of them and see how it
>>> progresses.
>>>> Current thread count I about 190 but after few days this will
>>>> reach
>>> to
>>>> 500+ again even if the concurrent users are not high. Memory
>>>> usage of
>>> the
>>>> server was normal during this issue. This problem is happening
>>>> from
>>> last 2
>>>> 3 months.
>>> Look at the header.jsp, especially anything that has changed in
>>> the last 2 - 3 months.
>>> Dan
>>>> Thanks & Regards,
>>>> Subhro Paul
>>> Dear Team,
>>> Thanks for the reply.
>>> Next thing I want to know, creating a vector and adding objects
>>> to the same in header.jsp which is loaded 
>>> and&#732;referred&#732;by&#732;almost&#732;all the JSP's(more
>>> than 1000) in an application, will that leads to memory leak.
>>> Thanks & Regards, Subhro Paul
>>> Hi all,
>>> Is there any way to understand why the vector object was locked
>>> by thread "http-8080-116" for long? From the thread dump we can
>>> see there is around 140 threads were blocked because of the
>>> thread "http-8080-116" acquired locked on the vector object.&#732;
>> Look at the full thread dump. There you will see where the lock is 
>> held. We can't tell you just from looking at the stacktrace.
>My question would be what that Vector is being used for. If all
>threads have to consult that Vector, and its synchronized (which is
>it: it's a java.util.Vector), then every thread will be waiting on
>every other thread.
>If this Vector is filled with read-only data, and the contents don't
>need to be changed, then consider using another concrete List
>implementation there. If you use ArrayList or LinkedList or whatever,
>your page accesses will speed-up significantly.
>If I were you, I'd investigate the possibility of switching
>implementations. I would also wrap the unsynchronized, read-only list
>in a formally-read-only list implementation like this:
>public class Startup implements ServletContextListener {
>ÿÿpublic void contextInitialized(...) {
>ÿÿ ÿ List<Thing> listOfThings = new ArrayList<>(...);
>ÿÿ ÿ // fill listOfThings with things
>ÿÿ ÿ listOfThings =
>ÿÿ ÿ getServletContext().setAttribute("listOfThings");
>This will give you a structure that will throw an error if you try to
>modify it.
>If you ARE trying to modify it, you have to ask yourself why you are
>using a single structure that every request coming into the
>application is going to have to fight-over.
>In either case, can you explain the use-case here?
>- -chris
>Version: GnuPG v2
>Comment: GPGTools -
>Hi Team,
>While staring tomcat we can observeÿÿthrough Jconsole thatÿsome threads
>are automatically created by Tomcat. Once we put load on the server,
>depending on the load Tomcat increases the thread count but if we stop
>putting load on the server we can see theÿstillÿThread count on the
>server remain same even after long time. My assumption was it would
>destroy some threads once there is a little load or no load which is
>not the actual scenario. We can see that the unused threads are in
>sleep mode. Is it a normal feature of Tomcat or some configuration is
>required in Tomcat to destroy inactive threads. FYI we are using
>&#8220;HTTP 1.1&#8221; connector.

Have a look at


>Thanks & Regards,
>Subhro Paul
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