The Apache Tomcat team announces the immediate availability of Apache
Tomcat 8.0.22.

Apache Tomcat 8 is an open source software implementation of the Java
Servlet, JavaServer Pages, Java Unified Expression Language and Java
WebSocket technologies.

Apache Tomcat 8.0.22 includes numerous fixes for issues identified
in 8.0.21 as well as a number of other enhancements and changes. The
notable changes since 8.0.21 include:

- Change the format of the Tomcat specific URLs for resources inside
  JARs that are in turn packed in a WAR. The <code>^/</code> sequence
  has been replaced by */ so that the resulting URLs are compliant with
  RFC 2396 and do not trigger exceptions when converted to URIs. The old
  format will continue to be accepted.

- Allow logging of the remote port in the access log using the format
  pattern %{remote}p.

- When checking last modified times as part of the automatic deployment
  process, account for the fact that File.lastModified() has a
  resolution of one second to ensure that if a file has been modified
  within the last second, the latest version of the file is always
  used. Note that a side-effect of this change is that files with
  modification times in the future are treated as if they are

- Align redeploy resource modification checking with reload modification
  checking so that now, in both cases, a change in modification time
  rather than an increase in modification time is used to determine if
  the resource has changed.

Note: There is a known issue with NIO2 and SSL/TLS in this and previous
releases that can result in dropped connections. It is not recommended
that NIO2 is used in production with SSL/TLS until this issue is
resolved (the fix is expected in 8.0.23).

Please refer to the change log for the complete list of changes:


Migration guides from Apache Tomcat 5.5.x, 6.0.x and 7.0.x:


- The Apache Tomcat team

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