Wow .. that really confuses me.

I've studied the Java EE component and the basic understanding of flow is as 
follows (if i do not flush the data)

client request --> web container (encapsulate request/response) --> filter 
(contain request/response object) --> Servlet (JSP) --> filter (request / 
response object here can be modified here for eventual display on browser) --> 
client browser

On the way back the client browser, if i do a break point just immediately 
after the dofilter() method and stop there, the JSP page is not displayed.

So if i get your right:
1. If the above is done without flushing the data .. then yes. That JSP page is 
not displayed since i stop at the breakpoint.
2. However if i do a flush before the break point, data will be send to the 
client eventhough my code stops at the break point?

I thought the data flow is part of the control flow ..

Gee .. i got this wrong all the while
Think i'm seeing the light ..

> Date: Mon, 18 May 2015 13:43:14 +0100
> From:
> To:
> Subject: Re: Tomcat valve JAAS : form error page displayed first before 
> response reaches back to Tomcat valve
> On 18/05/2015 13:31, Kim Ming Yap wrote:
> > 
> > Thanks Mark for your suggestion.
> > I'm still confused over the last part where you mentioned that 'i am 
> > confusing myself between control and data'.
> > The response object contains output stream (data) to be displayed. Always 
> > the case.
> No.
> The response contains a reference to the output stream. The output
> stream can be flushed to the client *at any point*. There is no
> guarantee that it will "contain the [data] to be displayed".
> The (incorrect) sequences you list below describe the control flow. The
> data flow (when the application reads the request body, when the
> application writes the request body and when the request body is written
> to the client) is completely separate.
> > If i enter valid credential .. you'll noticed the flow exactly as indicated 
> > on my email (I've traced is using system.out.println)
> > 
> > request --> valve --> JAAS --> filter --> JSP  --> response --> filter --> 
> > JAAS --> valve --> browser
> Again, no. JAAS does not call the filter. Your valve calls the
> Authenticator which calls JAAS and then (via some additional objects)
> the Authenticator calls the filter.
> Neither the request nor the response are part of the processing chain.
> They are objects that are passed up and down the chain.
> > If invalid credential ..
> > 
> > request --> valve --> JAAS --> response --> valve (break point and stop 
> > here) .. yet JSP error page displayed.
> > 
> > So this is really confusing.
> Take a look at the updated diagrams here:
> > The response always contains data to be displayed on the client browser.
> No it does not. See comment above re control flow vs data flow.
> > How did the JSP error page displayed when on its way back to the client 
> > browser .. i did a break point stop at the valve.
> See point above re control flow vs data flow.
> Mark
> > 
> > Hm ..
> > 
> > 
> >> Date: Mon, 18 May 2015 11:14:19 +0100
> >> From:
> >> To:
> >> Subject: Re: Tomcat valve JAAS : form error page displayed first before 
> >> response reaches back to Tomcat valve
> >>
> >> On 17/05/2015 23:44, Kim Ming Yap wrote:
> >>> Hi,I'm building a website using form based authentication integrating 
> >>> with JAAS for user based authentication. I don't have issue when a 
> >>> successful credential is authenticated. Rather I'm having difficulty 
> >>> understanding the flow of JAAS back to the client should the form based 
> >>> authentication failed.
> >>> SOFTWARE:1. Apache Tomee plus 1.7.12. Java 83. Tomcat JAAS Realm
> >>> OBJECTIVE:Custom error captured in JAAS login module to propagate to 
> >>> error page
> >>
> >> You are unlikely to get much help from Tomcat with this since
> >> propagating back custom errors is considered poor security practise (an
> >> attacker should not be able to tell why authentication failed).
> >>
> >>> The Tomcat JAAS layer is not integrated with the web container layer. 
> >>> Hence the former does not have access to request, session etc.
> >>
> >> JAAS is integrated as a Realm - i.e. something that validates
> >> credentials provided by an Authenticator. The Authenticator has full
> >> access to the request and the response. You may want to consider a
> >> custom Authenticator.
> >>
> >>> Using ThreadLocal which capture the custom error message in JAAS layer to 
> >>> be used when the flow reaches back to the custom valve on the way back to 
> >>> the browser.
> >>
> >> You need to be careful you don't trigger memory leaks when using
> >> ThreadLocals.
> >>
> >>> PROBELM:Understanding of basic request/response flow involving Tomcat and 
> >>> JAAS
> >>> a. request --> valve --> JAAS --> Filter --> Servlet/JSP    b. response 
> >>> <-- valve (**) <-- JAAS <-- Filter <-- Servlet/JSP
> >>
> >> I suspect that order is wrong.
> >>
> >> JAAS is called by the Authenticator (which is a valve). The
> >> Authenticator then calls the Filter (via a few other layers).
> >>
> >> You might want to check the ordering of your valve and the Authenticator.
> >>
> >>> (refer to above clause b)ThreadLocal in the JAAS layer managed to capture 
> >>> the custom error message and it i managed to print it after the getNext() 
> >>> method of the custom valve. Thought of adding this custom error as an 
> >>> attribute in the session object.
> >>> However I noticed that the error page is already displayed before i could 
> >>> add this cusom error (immediately after the getNext method).
> >>
> >> The error page will be handled by the webapp or the ErrorReportingValve
> >> - both of whichh may get called before your Valve depending on how the
> >> Valve is configured.
> >>
> >>> Due to that the ready custom error message cannot be used
> >>> 1. web.xml
> >>>     <login-config>    <auth-method>FORM</auth-method>    
> >>> <form-login-config>      <form-login-page>/login.jsp</form-login-page>    
> >>>   <form-error-page>/login-redirect-error.jsp?error=true</form-error-page> 
> >>>    </form-login-config>    </login-config>
> >>>     2. Custom valve and defined in META-INF/context.xml
> >>>     public class SecurityValve extends ValveBase {
> >>>   public void invoke(Request request, Response response) throws 
> >>> IOException, ServletException {           getNext().invoke(request, 
> >>> response);           system.out.println("after getNext()"); --> break 
> >>> point (BP)      }
> >>>     }
> >>> 1. Did a break point on SecurityValve (indicated at BP)     2. On forms, 
> >>> i purposely enter wrong credential and submit         3. Break point 
> >>> stops at BP     4. login-redirect-error.jsp displayed already    5. Since 
> >>> it stop at break point BP in SecurityValve, the response back to client 
> >>> flow has not reached the browser. Yet the login-redirect-error.jsp is 
> >>> already displayed
> >>> QUESTIONS:   How can the login-redirect-error.jsp be displayed on the 
> >>> browser when the response flowing back to client stop at break point BP? 
> >>> The flow back to the client is not fully done yet.
> >>
> >> You are confusing control and data. The data goes back to the client as
> >> soon as the output is flushed (which can happen in the Servlet/JSP).
> >>
> >>> I would really appreciate any help.Thanks.
> >>
> >> Set a break point in a JSP / Servlet and look at the stack trace to see
> >> which Valves the request/response flow through in which order.
> >>
> >> Mark
> >>
> >>
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