
I am creating several components for my web application in java code instead of 
the xml files.
For this I am using a privileged servlet that (besides other things) creates a 
Connector and a Realm.
That's working fine.

As I can do  context.setRealm(...) I can use a Realm that is loaded in my code 
(thus using my classloader).

I can also set the class name for the TrustManager using the following code 
when creating the Connector instance:
  nioConnector.setAttribute( "trustManagerClassName", 
"mypackage.AcceptingTrustManager" );

While this works, it uses the tomcat classloader instead of my own.
So I have to public a single class of my application in a jar file inside 
tomcats lib folder.

Is there another way to set the TrustManager - preferably in a way that does 
not require changes in the classpath for tomcat?


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