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On 5/30/15 12:13 PM, Daniel Mikusa wrote:
> On Sat, May 30, 2015 at 5:07 AM, Frank Lehmann
> <frank-lehm...@freenet.de> wrote:
>> Hi Dan,
>> First, please don't top post. -- Don't know what you mean, i am
>> at qnalist.com and pushed the button "reply to:"
> This is top posting.
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Posting_style#Top-posting
> We prefer that people who write to the list use an inline style or
> bottom post.
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Posting_style#Interleaved_style
> or
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Posting_style#Bottom-posting
> The idea is that if everyone does the same thing, it's easier to
> read and follow conversations on the list.
> I don't know the website you're using, but you can subscribe your
> email here.  I believe that's the preferred way to interact with
> the list.
> http://tomcat.apache.org/lists.html
>> Reply inline like this or at the bottom. -- See above.
>> Second, what is the mistake you're referring to? -- I explained,
>> that the words, which are in the condpattern valvue do not 
>> match.
>> Third, we don't know. -- I have this rewritecond set: RewriteCond
>> ("android|blackberry|googlebot-mobile|iemobile|ipad|iphone|ipod|mobil
So, my opinion is, that any word of the string from the user-agent will
>> match the string set in the third value of the rule. But it does
>> not. nothing will happen.
> Have you tried something simpler first?  Like the example I sent
> you.  Does it work?  From what you've posted, it's not clear if
> there's a Tomcat configuration problem (i.e. it's not starting the
> valve / reading the rules) or if the rule in question is not
> working as you'd expect.
> If it's the later, then you're going to need to adjust the rule to
> make it work.  I haven't tried that rule, so I can't say if it will
> work or not.

Plus, the regular expression doesn't do what he wants it to do; at
least, I don't think it does. My guess is that there needn't be a
double-quote symbol before "android" or after "webos" in the
User-Agent string.

>> You still haven't provided any configuration or explanation of
>> what you did.  Where did you configure the valve?  In server.xml?
>> In the Context for an app?  Where did you put the rewrite.config
>> file?
>> -- My configuration is as follows:
>> Windows 2012 R2 Tomcat 8.0 in directory tomcat/webapps
> Which version?  There are currently 23 different releases of the
> 8.0 branch.
>> server.xml in /conf directory with <valve ...rewritevalve set. 
>> rewrite.config file in directory /conf/catalina/localhost
>> Rewrite.config will controled after restart tomcat service,
>> because if mistakes in the rule, tomcat won't start
> Sorry, not sure I follow you here.  Are you saying that Tomcat is
> failing to start?  If so, are you getting an error or exception?
> If so, include that here.

I think he was saying that some proof that Tomcat is in fact reading
the rewrite configuration file is that, when the file has an error in
it, Tomcat will throw errors on startup.

- -chris
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