Tomcat version: 7.0.62Platform (OS) - Centos 6.6
Steps I perform1) follow the document 
( to configure 
Kerbero.      - I use kinit to verify the keytab and service account and it 
shows.        kinit -V -k -t server.keytab 
HTTP/         Authenticated to 
Kerberos v52) configure server.xml to use Active Directory for JNDI      add 
the following to server.xml between Engine and Realm        <Realm   
connectionURL="ldap://ADServerName:3268";   authentication="simple"   
referrals="follow"   connectionName=""   
userBase="dc=mycompany,dc=com"    userSubtree="true"   
roleSearch="(member={0})"    roleName="cn"    roleSubtree="true"   
roleBase="dc=mycompany,dc=com" />
3) modify web.xml to change authentication       <login-config> 
<auth-method>SPNEGO</auth-method>  <realm-name>Manager GUI</realm-name>  
 <!-- Security roles referenced by this web application --> <security-role>   
<role-name>IIAG_HER_Everyone</role-name>   (this is the AD group name)  
The result is still not able to authenticate.  Based on the log, I don't see 
the tomcat try to authenticate using the Kerberos.  Pleae advice further



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