>Really? Tomcat 6.0 replaced the server/lib/, shared/lib/, and
common/lib/ directories in favor of a single, unified lib/ directory.
That doesn't strike you as an important change?
Again, you are right. Single is much better, but I still only needed one link 
for the SQL jar and moving that to lib from shared made little difference to me 

>I'm curious as to why you are using hard links instead of symlinks. If
you copy a new file over a hard link, you un-couple it from the rest
of the series of hard links. If you do the same with symlinks, the
result is probably more what you were expecting. There are other
disadvantages with hard links including not really knowing that it's a
link (symlinks are obvious) and they can't span across filesystems.
Again correct, but for a while tomcat did not allow me to have symbolic links 
(or I did not know about the way to overcome that in the xml file). In any 
case, I solved the problem with a shell script that makes sure the hard links 
are correct AFTER a complete compilation set is done. The other problem (which 
may or may not be a problem - I have not tried in a while) is making a WAR 
file. I cannot have symbolic links then. The target machine running the 
application just gets the WAR file and NOT the directory containing the 
assorted jars. But perhaps I should re-explore that one.
And by the way, you can edit the hard link file AND all versions change. You 
can also "cat >file" and all hard links remain. It is ONLY when you move a file 
over one of the links that the hard links are unlinked. Curious!

     On Wednesday, June 3, 2015 8:47 AM, Christopher Schultz 
<ch...@christopherschultz.net> wrote:

Hash: SHA256


On 6/2/15 6:42 PM, Ray Holme wrote:
> I have not seen changes to the lib structures for any of the tomcat
>  releases I have used and that spans back 5 years or more (well OK,
> at one point symbolic links worked, now they don't unless I change
> the xml file).

Really? Tomcat 6.0 replaced the server/lib/, shared/lib/, and
common/lib/ directories in favor of a single, unified lib/ directory.
That doesn't strike you as an important change?

> Thanks for the answer. I would have moved the jaybird thing only
> so WAR files included it, but it sounds like a bad idea if
> clobbers connection pools - thought there was ONE pool per
> application.

There is a chicken-and-egg problem with the context ClassLoader which
makes it difficult for the container to set up the context using Java
classes that are hosted from within that application. Anything the
driver depends upon also needs to be available to the container's

> Agreed to leave all else as is, the hard link solution solves the 
> problem of multiple copies nicely. Just cannot do that in
> Microsoft land, but that is OK as all Microsoft versions I support
> only have one application running.

I'm curious as to why you are using hard links instead of symlinks. If
you copy a new file over a hard link, you un-couple it from the rest
of the series of hard links. If you do the same with symlinks, the
result is probably more what you were expecting. There are other
disadvantages with hard links including not really knowing that it's a
link (symlinks are obvious) and they can't span across filesystems.

- -chris
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