
I will try to give you some more tips below, but really you should try and work this out by yourself. From what little information is available below, I still believe that there is no problem with your application under Tomcat, but that the problem is that *the browser* cannot access that SMS site you were talking about, or that the request that the browser is sending to that site is invalid.

Ankur Gupta wrote:
*Fiddler Error:*


3       302     HTTP    xx.xxx.xx.99:8080
/examples/smstrial.jsp?mobileNumber=0123456789        0
text/html;charset=ISO-8859-1  iexplore:6656

Above exchange #3 seems to be the original request which the browser sends to the Tomcat application. What you do not show, is the *content* of the response sent back by Tomcat, except the status code, which is 302 (re-direct).
What would be interesting to see here, is the *response header* "Location:".
(you can see that also in Fiddler)

When the browser gets this 302 response from the server, it takes the content of the Location response header, and then immediately makes a new HTTP request to that URL.
That is the exchange #4 below.

4       502     HTTP
512     no-cache, must-revalidate        text/html; charset=UTF-8

The above exchange #4, seems to be the new request that the browser makes to the SMS server at, and that server responds with a "502" status (a server error).
This is not Tomcat anymore, and thus out of scope for this forum.
You have to figure out why that SMS server sends this response to the browser.

Something tells me that you are not really familiar with the HTTP protocol. Maybe you should get some local help in that respect.

Each interaction between browser and server consists of one request from the browser, and one response from the server. Fiddler shows this as one line, but you can click on that line and then ask to see different things (maybe you should ask for the "raw" content). Above you show the browser request, but not the server response content.


*IE giving error:*

[Fiddler] The connection to '' failed.
Error: TimedOut (0x274c).
System.Net.Sockets.SocketException A connection attempt failed because the
connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or
established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond

This is a bit confusing, because it seems to say that the server at is not responding. Maybe the browser that you are using cannot access that IP address ? Or it can connect to it, but something is blocking the server response to the browser.
(Firewalls or so)

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