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On 6/26/15 10:38 AM, Leo Donahue wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 26, 2015 at 1:42 AM, André Warnier <a...@ice-sa.com>
> wrote:
>> I must admit that your question above was a bit difficult to
>> follow, in terms of if/then/else/unless, particularly late at
>> night.
> Yes, you are right.  Sorry about that.  I was trying to walk the
> line between saying too much and not enough and so it came out all
> gibberish.
>> And the last paragraph made me think that perhaps the Tomcat logo
>> might lead you to personalise things a bit more than is really
>> healthy. (Or else I want to have a look at that code, because the
>> Tomcat developers must be even smarter that I thought).
>> But if your question in the end boils down to : *must* a filter 
>> necessarily call the next filter/webapp in the chain, then the
>> answer is in the Servlet Specification. E.g. Servlet Spec v 3.0
>> final, Chapt 6 Filtering, Section 6.2 Main concepts, item 4 : 
>> "The filter *may* invoke the next entity in the filter chain".. 
>> It even adds : "Alternatively, the filter chain can block the
>> request by not making the call to invoke the next entity, leaving
>> the filter responsible for filling out the response object."
>> (What you need to do then still, is to insure that you do indeed
>> generate a valid response, whether it's an error or not.  That's
>> maybe the point where different containers may react slightly
>> differently.).
> If I use a return statement to break out of a filter, what should
> happen? Will the next filter run?

No. The Filter is responsible for calling the next filter in the
chain. If you don't, the target servlet will never be called.

> Shouldn't a return statement in a filter, especially one that
> comes right after a sendError call, send the error and direct the
> user to the page configured for such errors?


> The scenario I'm working on is a web service.  The web service has
> three filters, in order they are:  throttle filter, authentication
> filter, logging filter.
> If a user is not authenticated, the following code "should" break
> out of the filter chain and redirect the user to a custom 403.  It
> works nice on Tomcat.
> HttpServletResponse httpResponse = (HttpServletResponse) response;
> httpResponse.sendError(HttpServletResponse.HttpServletResponse.SC_FORB
> What I'm seeing on other containers is that I get a NPE where the
> Service class is trying to do something with the authenticated
> user, which is null. I realize this is not an "other containers"
> forum, but I was just curious what the expected behaviour *should*
> be.

If you have other stuff going on -- like custom error pages -- you
might find that more of your own code is running than you expect. See
Konstantin's response. It's terse, but I think he's likely getting to
the root of your problem.

- -chris
Comment: GPGTools - http://gpgtools.org


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