Christian wrote:

On 28.06.2015 23:11, André Warnier wrote:
Christian wrote:

On 28.06.2015 19:58, Mark Eggers wrote:
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On 6/28/2015 9:01 AM, Christian wrote:
Hello all,

is it somehow possible to create a web application with multiple
servlets that are registered to different domains for the same url
paths using tomcat 8? I already crawled through the catalina code
that is responsible for the servlet selection and didn't find
anything that would allow this. But this doesn't mean that it
isn't possible at all. As far as I know, java configuration for
servlet registration doesn't allow passing domain names. But maybe
there is an option within context.xml.

I want to create a web application that has different domains for
the application itself and its management site. Both parts should
run at the context root, at different domains. The application
needs a shared (spring-)context in which the application's beans
are stored.

Regards, Christian
I'm not quite sure what your after. Sharing Spring beans across
contexts and domains sounds like there's an underlying requirement I
don't understand.

ok, I'll try to explain, as aliases won't do what I need.
It's an application that can be configured via an admin interface. The admin interface is one part of the webapp. The main application is accessible via The admin interface needs access to the beans within the main application (e. g. to create tenants that live in context scope), that's why I created just one webapp with two dispatcher servlets. One dispatcher servlet is responsible for the admin interface and one for the main application. Until now I make tomcat select them by using a context path for the admin interface. But this is redundant, because the admin interface needs to be accessed via instead of just I would like to map to the admin servlet and to the main applications dispatcher servlet. At a later stage, might be used for other admin tasks that must be accessible by users registered on the main site. But /admin is already shadowed.

Hopefully I could explain my problem a little better.

Yes, that is much clearer.
Honestly without having really figured out the details of your explanation, I would nevertheless point you in 2 directions for that kind of thing : a) use an Apache httpd front-end proxy, and use the httpd proxying and/or URL rewriting capabilities to do what you want

thanks for your suggestion! The application anyway needs a reverse proxy / ssl gateway, because tomcat isn't capable of doing TLS with SNI. Your proposed solution seems appropriate, although I have to figure out how to cleanly generate the correct urls within the application.

<VirtualHost *:80>
  ProxyPass / ajp://mytomcat.local/admin/
  ProxyPassReverse / ajp://mytomcat.local/admin/
  ProxyPassReverseCookieDomain "/admin" "/"

<VirtualHost *:80>
  ProxyPass / ajp://mytomcat.local/
  ProxyPassReverse / ajp://mytomcat.local/

The ProxyPassReverse* take care of re-directs and cookies.
But in your "admin" application pages, you should make sure that your are returning only relative URLs.
E.g. if the admin application would normally return a page with
<img src="/admin/images/logo.jpg" />
it should instead return
<img src="images/logo.jpg" />
and the browser and the proxy should then do the right thing.

Or else, you could add an output filter at the httpd level, and rewrite all the URLs on the fly. That is a bit resource-instensive, but I would imagine that your admin application is not one with very high traffic.

Note also : in the schema above, there is nothing which prevents a user on "" to request a URL like "/admin", which could lead to accidents.. You may want to add a RewriteCond/RewriteRule in that VirtualHost which prevents them doing that.


b) use the built-in Rewrite Valve of Tomcat 8 (, or if you are at a lower Tomcat version, use the add-on URLRewrite Filter (

A Valve is a Tomcat-specific component, so that solution is generally non-portable to another servlet container. The others (httpd front-end or the URLRewriteFilter (a servlet filter)) are portable.

Personally, in this case, and considering that you want to do different things depending on the hostname used to access Tomcat, I would go the httpd front-end route, with 2 VirtualHosts at the httpd level, proxying to a single Host at the Tomcat level (but in one case, after modifying the URL). That's because I think that trying to do this at the Tomcat level only may give you headaches in terms of self-referential URLs returned by your application.

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