Am 13. Juli 2015 10:57:13 MESZ, schrieb
>I'm trying to set up a tomcat 6.0.13 to use TLS connections.

This version is really ancient. You should update to a newer tomcat. 

>Therefor I configure the keystorefile for my servers. 
>The Problem now is: Since I have several Hardware-Stages (ET, IT, ..) I
>have a pk12 keystorefiles and the corresponding password in a separate
>file for each Stage. That is used to change keystores. 
>Therefor the tomcat should read the password from the password file,
>but I don't see any possibility to read the password from file. I can
>only configure the password "hard" in the setup.xml.

If you have no problem to have the passwords in clear text files, you can try 
to do ant style replacement as described in

That should work on your version, too. 

But I don't know any setup.xml. Do you mean server.xml?


>How can I configure the setup.xml to read the password from file?
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