So that a user can see their own error, but these should only happen
if there was an error on the backend. But I do not want to disconnect
the users, however if 5 people are connected I dont want all to see
user 1 had an error since user 2,3,4, and 5 would think what is this.

On Mon, Aug 10, 2015 at 11:16 AM, Guillermina Gonjon <> wrote:
> Do you mean a single user like an administrator can see the error or every
> user that causes an error can see their own error?
> It depends on the error level.
> You may kill all sessions when an internal error occurs allow the users to
> be re-directed to an static page not connected to the database or back-end.
> And if user== administrator; then, do not redirect.  Allow user to see
> error.
> On 08/10/2015 10:01 AM, Jason Ricles wrote:
>> Introduction:
>> I have an application that uses a webpage as the GUI and the backend
>> is written in Java so thuswebsockets using Apache Tomcat 7 are the way
>> I am communicating between the GUI and the backend code that does all
>> the grunt work. A websocket server is the go between, between the
>> backend code and the GUI part of the application.
>> Here is the flow of the communication.
>> >From GUI to backend:
>> GUI-->WebSocketServer-->Backend
>> >From backend to GUI:
>> Backend-->WebSocketServer-->Backend
>> Problem:
>> The problem I am wanting to solve, is if a user request an action to
>> be done on the GUI and then an error is encountered I want only that
>> specific user to get an error message not everyone connected to the
>> site that is the GUI.
>> The only feasible way I can think of doing this right now, is sending
>> the session ID of the user requesting the action as part of the
>> websocket message and then storing that using ID corresponding to the
>> action requested in something like a HashMap. Then if there is an
>> error while performing the requested action put some logic in the
>> websocket server code to extract the session ID from the message being
>> sent back to the GUI and send the error message to this specific
>> session.
>> Question:
>> My question is, is there any simplier way to do this of sending a
>> message to a specific user between ajava back end and a web page front
>> end that communicate using web sockets, or is this the only way
>> possible to achieve what I am trying to do?
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