Hello! I'm WadZapi - JEE developer from Russia.

We're using Tomcat 7.0.61 as servlet container in production
environment. I tried to configure servlet 3.0 multipart config
annotations with Failed Request Filter.
I've stuck and struggling :-) trying to configure it well with myFaces
JSF implementation. I found that root cause of that troubles in
maxSwallowSize attribute and handling it in IdentityInputFilter.
With configured maxSwallowSize=-1 FailedRequestFilter works well  - HTTP
400 sent and client redirected to error page.
But using default maxSwallowSize attribute (2mb) or any other used for
connector - (with filesize > 2 MB) client doesn't get any answer, may be
server send after connection was reset and socket was closed.
Connection was closed, because IdentityInputFilter threw IOException -
after that socket was immediately closed. So on client it looks like
CONNECTION_RESET and blank page (request was sent, but no answer received).
May be I've lost something in my configuration.

I've read mailing list and saw some pathes of your on
FailedRequestFilter for maxUploadSize attributes in request. May be you
could give me some advices for searching a good way of Handling
maxFileUpload size exception handling.
It could be fixed by setting maxSwallowSize=-1, but it looks like a
strange hack. It couldn't go to production config as well, because
behaviour with handling -1 could be changed in IdentityInputFilter.
May be there any other ways of configuring and handling upload size
exceeded limit in multipartconfigelement. I'll be cheking email, looking
forward your replies and will be truly grateful for any advices.

Thanks for the TOMCAT development, so...
Best Regards, WadZapi.

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