No you don't understand what my question was. Say I do something like this-:

String password = request.getParameter("passwd");

long salt = // get salt from SecureRandom

String password = salt + password;

String hash = encrypt(password) // Use some encryption like bCrypt

storeInDb(hash); // Stores it in User Table along with user-id and role

Now when I am querying from the database using a DataSourceRealm for
example. How do I replicate the exact hashing procedure. I can obviously
store the salt value in another column but how can I tell the Realm or
CredentialHandler to use the salt and then hash the password there is
obviously no salt attribute in the  CredentialHandler.

So in other words how do I replicate the exact same hashing procedure while
retrieving the password to that I used when I was storing the password in
the database.

Is there a way to use the Realm to insert the user-id and password into the
database ?

Because that seems like the most straight forward approach. I don't know
why there isn't an API for doing just that in Tomcat.

What good is having saltlength in CredentialHandler if its not going to use
it to create a password.

Salts have to be specified differently and Tomcat just cannot assume the
first 20 characters (specified in the saltlength property) to be the salt.

So how can I store the credentials in the database and get them back using
the same hashing procedure ?

And why hasn't the documentation included sufficient number of examples of
this process.

No one seems to know anything about it. I am totally in the dark here.

Sreyan Chakravarty

On Mon, Aug 24, 2015 at 7:41 PM, Christopher Schultz <> wrote:

> Hash: SHA256
> Sreyan,
> On 8/24/15 9:24 AM, Sreyan Chakravarty wrote:
> > Okay I know how to authenticate an existing user in a Realm. But
> > how the hell do you add a new user to the Realm ?
> That depends upon where your users are stored.
> > For example if a new member registers on the site, how would I add
> > that to the Realm ?
> Put that new user into the place where your users are stored?
> - -chris
> Comment: GPGTools -
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> =PzsB
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