> -----Original Message-----
> From: Christopher Schultz [mailto:ch...@christopherschultz.net]
> Sent: Wednesday, September 09, 2015 1:50 PM
> To: Tomcat Users List <users@tomcat.apache.org>
> Subject: Re: Multiple JSESSIONID cookies being presented.
> Hash: SHA256
> Jeffrey,
> On 9/9/15 12:08 PM, Jeffrey Janner wrote:
> >> -----Original Message----- From: Caldarale, Charles R
> >> [mailto:chuck.caldar...@unisys.com] Sent: Tuesday, September 08,
> >> 2015 4:58 PM To: Tomcat Users List <users@tomcat.apache.org>
> >> Subject: RE: Multiple JSESSIONID cookies being presented.
> >>
> >>> From: Jose María Zaragoza [mailto:demablo...@gmail.com]
> >>> Subject: Re: Multiple JSESSIONID cookies being presented.
> >>
> >>>> Thanks for the clarification of what's supposed to happen on
> >> receipt, Jose.
> >>>> However, I am describing what happens on first contact from
> >>>> the
> >> client to the server.
> >>>> The browser sends https://hostname/APP2, and Tomcat returns:
> >>>> JSESSIONID=XXXX, path=/    and   JSESSIONID=YYYY,
> >>>> path=/APP2/
> >>
> >>> Indeed, it doesn't make sense for me to return different id (
> >>> XXXX , YYYY ) if you are accesing to only one context (/APP2)
> >>
> >>> Are you sure that your webapp deployed in /APP2 is not accesing
> >>> to resources ( session-aware resources as JSP, servlet, .. .I
> >>> mean) stored in ROOT context ?
> >>
> >> As I think someone previously mentioned, the client (browser) may
> >> well be sending an unsolicited request to the default webapp,
> >> such as when trying to retrieve favicon.ico.  You might want to
> >> run Fiddler or Wireshark on the client to see exactly what's
> >> being sent to the server.
> >>
> >
> > And there's no way to keep a browser from asking for the
> > favicon.ico file from the root. We don't have one, so I would
> > expect a 404 is sent, which looking at the access log file is what
> > happens. However, is this the issue?  I tested this doing a manual
> > https://hostname/favicon.ico and see that we also return our root
> > app's error page. We also seem to be doing that for the
> > auto-generated request, judging by the bytes returned value, even
> > though it won't get displayed. And I bet that the error page is
> > setting the session cookie for some reason. Does that sound
> > reasonable? Is my solution just providing a favicon.ico file?
> Can you make sure that all cookies have been cleared from the test
> client and then explain exactly when Tomcat sends the Set-Cookie headers
> ?
> When we had this problem, it was usually because the client had old
> funky session ids in its cookie jar and the solution was to blow them
> all away and start-over fresh. (Then fix our software so it wouldn't
> happen anymore.)
> - -chris
Thanks for all the help guys. I think I've sussed out what is going on here.  
Now just have to get the Dev guys to address it.
After spending a good bit of time clearing and watching cookies and access 
logs, both with and without a favicon.ico file, I found that the doubling was 
happening only if the file was missing.  I checked the error.jsp file and it 
does have session=true set, and if the icon file is missing, the error.jsp is 
definitely being sent.
So it looks like the possible solutions are:
1) provide a favicon.ico file.
2) remove the session=true setting from the error page.
3) somehow not send the error.jsp when a sub-link (image, script, etc.) results 
in a 404.
4) Have the login page of APP2 provide it's own icon <link> directive (it 
doesn't currently have one.)

Any other options?

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