
We recently upgraded to Tomcat 8. As per the Migration Guide:
https://tomcat.apache.org/migration-8.html#Database_Connection_Pooling and
DBCP documentation
we switched to using the new param values like: maxTotal and maxWaitMillis.

Then, we switched to using the Tomcat DBCP by adding
factory="org.apache.tomcat.jdbc.pool.DataSourceFactory". Tomcat did not
seem to have a problem with using Tomcat DBCP with the updated param names.

Then, I modified a test we were running to also use  a Spring initialized,
Tomcat DBCP DataSource:

<bean id="dataSource" class="org.apache.tomcat.jdbc.pool.DataSource"

Now, our test is complaining with: "Bean property 'maxWaitMillis' is not
writable or has an invalid setter method." because we were using the new
style param name:

<property name="maxWaitMillis" value="5000"/>

So now I'm confused.

1. Does Tomcat DBCP (in Tomcat 8) indeed use different params than the new
DBCP2 that ships with Tomcat 8?
2. Why did Tomcat not complain when I was using maxWaitMillis with the
updated factory="org.apache.tomcat.jdbc.pool.DataSourceFactory" but does
complain when I try to instantiate that pool implementation's DataSource
3. Is there some other way that I should be instantiating the Tomcat DBCP
DataSource in my test that would be more appropriate?

I searched the archives and couldn't find mention of this.


Bradley Wagner
VP Engineering, Hannon Hill
www.hannonhill.com | Twitter <https://twitter.com/hannon_hill> | Github

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