
another stupid question, which is maybe related to that issue:

I am running into problems with tc 5.5.17 After having it installed 
succesfully with install.exe, i always run into trouble when restarting my 
web-app's deployed as a *.war file.
Installing my war-app's works without any trouble. Stopping and 
re-starting them using the tc manager web-app always fails with a null 
pointer exception.

Have you ever heard of that?



Am 06.06.2006 16:22:55 schrieb David Kerber:
>I can't answer the "why", but it's been that way for a long time.  I
>just d/l both installations, install the windows .exe version, and then
>unzip the .zip version on top of the windows installation.  A bit more
>time consuming, but gets my windows services installed and still gives
>me the various .bat files I need for customizing.
>Tim Quinn wrote:
>> I have installed the Tomcat 5.5 windows installer and noticed that
>> there are
>> many files that are missing from the bin directory such as: 
>> catalina.sh, setclasspath.bat, shutdown.bat, startup.bat.
>> I checked the zip distribution and it has these files.
>> Sorry if this is a dumb question but why are theses files not
>> installed with
>> the windows installer?
>> Thanks,
>> JsD
>> [= Rather be using a mac =]
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