
On 10/27/15 10:39 AM, wrote:
> we are using Apache Tomcat/6.0.41. I added the database driver " db2jcc4.jar" 
> into the tomcat lib folder.
> Our application don't deploy the database driver. We are connecting to  the 
> datasource with a jndi datasource lookup.
> But, after a HotDeployment I get every minute the following log-message
> org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoader findResourceInternal
> Information: Illegal access: this web application instance has been
> stopped already.  Could not load  The
> eventual following stack trace is caused by an error thrown for
> debugging purposes as well as to attempt to terminate the thread
> which caused the illegal access, and has no functional impact.

Do you have a stack trace or at least a Thread name for this? If so,
please post that.

This usually happens when the "old" application is shutting-down, and
some component tries to load a resource form the ClassLoader. The most
likely thing is that you have a thread in the "old" deployment of the
application that is either still running, or still trying to shut down
when Tomcat has already "stopped" the old deployment and told the
WebappClassLoader not to load anything else.

The solution is to make sure that you stop all application-started
threads before your application stops. Or, equally likely, you need to
make sure that driver-created threads are started using Tomcat's
ClassLoader and not that of the web application.

You might want to check to make sure you have the latest version of your
DB2 JDBC driver. Also maybe do a web search for "drivername +
classloader" will find information on preventing the problem.

Tomcat can be configured to call certain methods to "trick" a class into
binding to the server's ClassLoader instead of the web application's
ClassLoader on startup. I'm not exactly sure how that would need to be
done with your DB2 driver, which is why I suggested the web search.


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