
I'm using Apache 2.4.6 with mod_jk and mod_shib 2.5.5, so Shibboleth as SSO authentication.

Routing Apache request to tomcat (JBoss) we are not able to retreive REMOTE_USER.

It seems that the REMOTE_USER is lost.

In the configuration file shibboleth2.xml we have REMOTE_USER="uid".

The authentication of shibboleth is successful as you can see from the logs of the identity provider and the log of the service provider:

1) IdP:

2) SP:
2015-11-19 10:23:34 INFO Shibboleth-TRANSACTION [1613]: New session (ID: _771b50dad4ec72d57ae5a383a8b8f71e) with (applicationId: iuav-dev2) for principal from (IdP: https://idp-univ-dev.cineca.it/idp/shibboleth) at (ClientAddress: with (NameIdentifier: _5ae86372161ba20460d91773f12241a5) using (Protocol: urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:protocol) from (AssertionID: _b7a9d7435d4b2633af811cac17b80683) 2015-11-19 10:23:34 INFO Shibboleth-TRANSACTION [1613]: Cached the following attributes with session (ID: _771b50dad4ec72d57ae5a383a8b8f71e) for (applicationId: iuav-dev2) { 2015-11-19 10:23:34 INFO Shibboleth-TRANSACTION [1613]: uid (1 values) 2015-11-19 10:23:34 INFO Shibboleth-TRANSACTION [1613]: sn (1 values) 2015-11-19 10:23:34 INFO Shibboleth-TRANSACTION [1613]: cn (1 values) 2015-11-19 10:23:34 INFO Shibboleth-TRANSACTION [1613]: eduPersonTargetedID (1 values) 2015-11-19 10:23:34 INFO Shibboleth-TRANSACTION [1613]: mail (1 values) 2015-11-19 10:23:34 INFO Shibboleth-TRANSACTION [1613]: employeeNumber (1 values)
2015-11-19 10:23:34 INFO Shibboleth-TRANSACTION [1613]: }

In the access log of the Apache I see the value of the attribute uid (the remote_user): - test [19/Nov/2015:10:38:54 +0100] "GET /u-gov/ HTTP/1.1"

The authentication of the location is:
<Location ~ "/u-gov(.*)" >
   AuthType shibboleth
   ShibRequireSession On
   ShibExportAssertion On
   require valid-user

It seems that the Apache is unable to pass this attribute.

Is there anyone that know how to forward REMOTE_USER with mod_jk to the application?


L'educazione รจ il pane dell'anima

Teresa Fasano

System and Technologies Department
Middleware and Infrastructure Group
Via Magnanelli, 6/3
Casalecchio di Reno (Bologna) ITALY

web:     http://www.cineca.it
e-mail:  t.fas...@cineca.it
phone:   +39 051 61 71 364

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