This is intended to provide more information for people planning to
attend the new Tomcat Webinar series.

1. This is new for all of us
Please keep in mind that this is new and that there might be some
teething problems. Your understanding will be appreciated.

2. Dial-in from outside the US
The conferencing software includes a call back option. It should work
with any international number.

3. Mute your line
When you join the call *please* mute you line.

4. Recording
The webinars will be recorded and uploaded to the (to be created) Apache
Tomcat YouTube channel.

5. Q&A
The actual presentation part is intended to be short (10, maybe 15
minutes). There will be plenty of time for Q&A at the end. Questions
should be sent to the presenter / host via the conferencing software.

6. Topics
The topics for subsequent sessions are still TBD. Suggestions are always

After the first webinar all of this, plus any additional lessons
learned, will be added to the Tomcat web site along with links to the



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