Fair enough. It was the "I'm facing the exactly same problem..." statement that got me confused ;)

Personally, I haven't seen this "one request spawns two processes" problem. Probably best to post your tomcat version, OS, config etc so others on the list may be able to help.


Nikita Tovstoles wrote:
I know double-submission isn't part of my problem, because the client sending these requests is our in-house C app.


Jon Wingfield wrote:
I would turn on the access logs (if you haven't already) and check that the browser isn't actually sending two requests.
This can sometimes happen if the user double-clicks submit buttons.
There are plenty of threads in the archives of this list suggesting ways to mitigate this double-submission problem.



Nikita Tovstoles wrote:

I'm facing the exactly same problem and yet to find a solution. Is your Tomcat instance listening on 2 ports by chance? Also is the request.getParameterMap() of one of those parallel requests missing any query parameters?


Sourabh Antani wrote:
Hi, I am facing this situation. I have a login screen, when the user clics the submit button, Tomcat sometimes creates two threads in parallel to process the request. This causes a problem with the database. This does not always happen. Most of the time it creates only one thread as expected. However, every once in a while it will create two threads that run in parallel. Any ideas?
     Sourabh Antani

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