After upgrading Tomcat from 8.0.24 to 8.0.30, one of our applications
(Internet2's Grouper) "broke" with CSRF errors. Research turned up the
following in the Tomcat8 Changelog:

"Add a new RestCsrfPreventionFilter that provides basic CSRF protection
for REST APIs."

However, Grouper already incorporates CSRF protection using OWASP CSRFGuard

It appears that the new Tomcat RestCSRF feature interacts with OWASP
CSRFGuard poorly. The new Tomcat RestCSRF is apparently enabled by default
since I did not to anything to specifically enable it. How do I disable
it? I didn't see any information on how to do this in the documentation at

Since the app already provides CSRF protection that is carefully
configured it with which URLs need protection, etc., it seems redundant
for the container to do it. And actually, since it has now apparently
broken the app, I would like to turn it off Tomcat's version.
Baron Fujimoto <> :: UH Information Technology Services
minutas cantorum, minutas balorum, minutas carboratum desendus pantorum

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