
On 12/24/15 4:17 AM, Aurélien Terrestris wrote:
> probably this won't solve your problem but I notice that the random seems
> slow :
> Creation of SecureRandom instance for session ID generation using
> [SHA1PRNG] took [9,870] milliseconds.
> Maybe should you then start by fixing this, it has been discussed many
> times on the mailing list ( securerandom.source=file:/dev/./urandom )

Once Tomcat starts up, it should go fairly quickly. I don't know how
often SecureRandom re-seeds itself (or even if it does), but you only
need entropy during the seeding process. It shouldn't have any effect on
the throughput of a few thousand requests.

> Maybe are there some tests to do to understand if your Tomcat 6 seems fast
> because it uses some caching somewhere, or on the contrary if your Tomcat 8
> is slow because there is a bottleneck.
> I would try one scenario with one small HTML page requested thousands of
> times, and one very big file requested just 2 or 3 times, and compare
> results.
> One thing which could help in understanding, have a look at the status
> servlet which gives statistics (
> )

Rafael, I'm curious: what is your testing procedure?


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