Am 07.01.2016 um 19:21 schrieb Caldarale, Charles R:
From: Lee Bassom []
Subject: Re: How do I block 'Unloading class sun.reflect....' messages?


I'm going to guess that the above enables the class unloading messages.

I used the above flags in combination with "-XX:+PrintFlagsFinal" and couldn't find anything enabled that would print class unloading messages. Then went further, looked at looked at hotspot/src/share/vm/runtime/arguments.cpp and again didn't find anything (apart from the known -verbose:class, that's not in use here).

Then in noticed, that the HotSpot version 20.5-b03 looks quite old, so I guess this is Java 6? And yes, in arguments.cpp for Java 6 one finds TraceClassUnloading enabled as a side effect of -Xloggc (sic!). And that side effect is actually visible with "-XX:+PrintFlagsFinal".

So it seems for Java 6 there's no way around that. As soon as you (the OP) use -Xloggc, the JVM activates TraceClassUnloading. This should not happen in Java 7 or 8.



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