Thanks - I understand your questionw. but unfortunately based on further
investigation I've discovered that I cannot run both of my apps on the same

On Fri, Jan 15, 2016 at 2:09 PM, Olaf Kock <> wrote:

> Please clarify your intent:
> By default, tomcat has a /commented/ connector on 8443, which you can
> configure&activate. You can activate as many connectors on as many ports
> as you like. But if you have all applications on the same application
> server anyways (and are using the same hostnames): Why bother?
> This could be a question about SNI (Server Name Indication) to have
> multiple domain names on a single IP (but you're mentioning only one
> domain name).
> This could also be a question about how to map tomcat's ports to 80 or,
> in your case more likely 443.
> Or it could be a question on how to set up https in general. Why do you
> want to listen on several ports? Wouldn't you - in the end - want them
> all to come in through https on the standard port?
> Olaf
> Am 15.01.2016 um 20:01 schrieb Jeff Jennings:
> > I will have two applications running on my tomcat server
> >
> > Jira on port 8080 and confluence on port 8090
> >
> > I'm going to get an ssl cert for the server which I'll call something
> like
> >
> >
> > Once I get my ssl cert for how do I go about setting up
> the
> > configuration file for tomcat so that both sites can share the cert.
> >
> > I've been using regular apache for years and know how to do it with
> virtual
> > hosts in httpd.conf and ssl.conf but tomcat is new to me.
> >
> > any pointers would be appreciated.
> >
> > I'm thinking I'd like to map 8080 to something like
> > and 8090 to
> >
> > but I'm open to all ideas.
> >
> > I see tomcat want to use port 8443 for ssl
> >
> > I have read this page:
> > but am unsure
> how
> > to handle multiple apps on the same server that listen on different
> ports.
> >
> > thanks
> >
> > jeff
> >

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