Thanks Mark ! Please find my answer

Figure out what is inserting something other than String[] as the value
into a Map<String,String[]> instance.

    There are lot of places in Client we insert 'Integer' datatype (Also
other datatypes) .I fear that it is going to be more
tedious thing to identify and fix all the client code.

 Is there any other way or path forward to fix this ? (Like upgrading the
displaytag version
which is currently 1.1)  Or Is the modifying the Client Code is the only
path forward ?

Thanks Again !

On Tue, Jan 19, 2016 at 8:12 PM, Mark Thomas <> wrote:

> On 19/01/2016 13:39, Adhavan Mathiyalagan wrote:
> <snip/>
> > What i could understand is application is throwing exception due to
> change
> > in the getParameter method of ApplicationHttpRequest class ,which earlier
> > was accepting all datatypes (like Integer)
> > is now restricted to 'String'  datatype only .
> >
> > Kindly let me know why this change has been done ( in the getParameter
> > method of ApplicationHttpRequest class)
> If only the Apache Tomcat project used some form of version control
> system where every change to the source code was tracked along with a
> comment that explained why...
> > and the suggest me the path forward
> > for fixing the issue.
> Figure out what is inserting something other than String[] as the value
> into a Map<String,String[]> instance.
> Mark
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