> On Feb 12, 2016, at 12:06 PM, Mark Thomas <ma...@apache.org> wrote:
> On 12/02/2016 16:14, Paquin, Brian wrote:
>> On Feb 12, 2016, at 10:20 AM, Paquin, Brian 
>> <brian.paq...@yale.edu<mailto:brian.paq...@yale.edu>> wrote:
>> I have used 
>> https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.malisphoto.com_tips_tomcatonosx.html-23Anchor-2DNative&d=AwIGaQ&c=-dg2m7zWuuDZ0MUcV7Sdqw&r=jc-EqZyK6fWys6oTdMgtt9CjzHj-k5sGu3EHT7qx4Jg&m=0LOe6lb2cVwrFRRSnpEUFLkVSolnvDja54Q61QvEv88&s=Kp0e2ukimi9fwrD-pru-iYltyR8cNbD68Wi3Gcmh3c8&e=
>>   to setup Native with Tomcat successfully.
>> Specifically, I create /usr/lib/java and then do:
>> # Copy the native library to /usr/lib/java
>> sudo cp .libs/libtcnative-1.0.dylib /usr/lib/java
>> # Create a symbolic link in /usr/lib/java to the native library
>> cd /usr/lib/java
>> sudo ln -sfhv libtcnative-1.0.dylib libtcnative-1.dylib
>> sudo ln -sfhv libtcnative-1.dylib libtcnative-1.jnilib
>> This has worked up to 10.10, but NOT in 10.11 - Apple uses SIP to block 
>> changes to /usr/lib/ (and removes /usr/lib/java during an OS upgrade!).
>> Is there a newer way (not modifying /usr/lib) that I can use to get Native 
>> to work with 10.11?
>> (I understand I can disable SIP with “csrutil”, but I would like to keep SIP 
>> enabled)
>> Solved. Used /Library/Java/Extensions instead of /usr/lib/java.
> You can install the library anywhere. You just need to tell Tp,cat where
> it is. Personally I build in the the same location I store all the
> various JARs I have downloaded. (~/libs)
> Mark

What file do I modify?

Thank you,  Brian Paquin

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