I applied tour suggestion and analyzed, with firebug, the composition of the 
The difference between 7 and 8 is the "receiving" time which is more or less 
zero in 7 and 2sec. in 8.
How can I understand such difference ?

P.S. : same server, same client, same network, same code both 7 and 8 installed 
from scratch

> Subject: Re: Performance regression from 7 to 8
> To: users@tomcat.apache.org
> From: geor...@mhsoftware.com
> Date: Thu, 3 Mar 2016 09:30:33 -0700
> On 3/3/2016 4:06 AM, Tullio Bettinazzi wrote:
> > I've an application in which I write a page from a Buffered Stream directly 
> > to the Servlet output stream (more or less 300kb).
> >
> > In 7 it works perfectly (100ms).
> >
> > In 8 , depending from the network connection and mainly from the
> > http client itself (the browser in the PC) the same operation takes from
> >   50ms to 4500 ms.
> One of the things I would look at is the browser debug window. Open the 
> debugger, and go to the Networks/Timings tab and load both pages. That 
> would give some insights as to what's happening. Perhaps it is the page. 
> Perhaps there's something else.
> >
> > On the same PC I find more or less the same time using Chrome and Firefox 
> > also changing network connections (wifi, lan, adsl).
> >
> > Could someone suggest a solution ?
> >
> > Tks
> > Tullio
> >                                     
> -- 
> George Sexton
> *MH Software, Inc.*
> Voice: 303 438 9585
> http://www.connectdaily.com

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