I'm not sure that after something "bad" happens you can access the
server at all. An OutOfMemory or an AllThreadsBusy Exception normally
lead to a non-responding tomcat. The best thing you could do is
monitoring the logs with a separate script on the same machine and
send mails on failure imho.


p.s. for the application monitoring of your production server you
should try moskito :-)

On 6/12/06, Peter Neu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Yes, I am using this already. But there is some vital functionality missing.

When an java.lang.outOf.MemoryException happens I won't get an alert unless
I happen to be using lambda at the moment. So what we have at hand is a
'Schrödinger Cat' situation.

I need to monitor the jmx control layer and have my program send out alerts
when something bad happens.

So far I have 2 problems:

1. How do I find an error? I played around with the JMX Proxy Servlet. There
is this Mbean: MemoryPool. When I query this I get the following result:

Name: java.lang:type=MemoryPool,name=Perm Gen [shared-rw]
modelerType: sun.management.MemoryPoolImpl
CollectionUsageThreshold: 0
CollectionUsageThresholdExceeded: true
MemoryManagerNames: [Ljava.lang.String;@943129
CollectionUsageThresholdSupported: true

If I see this I can't tell if anything is wrong. So what to do?

2. How do I access the jmxproxy servlet from a java app? It requires
authentication. :o(


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