
On 4/7/16 12:30 PM, Mark Eggers wrote:
> OSP,
> On 4/7/2016 8:28 AM, Christopher Schultz wrote:
>> OSP,
>> On 4/7/16 10:08 AM, Linux Support wrote:
>>> Greetings all,
>>> ===== Server number: OS Name:        Linux OS Version:
>>> 2.6.32-573.8.1.el6.x86_64 JVM Version:    1.8.0_66-b17 =====
>>> Back end database is mariadb residing on a another remote linux
>>> instance. I have downloaded and copied the Mariadb jdbc driver to
>>> the lib directory of the TC server.
>>> Can you let me know how to encrypt the database connectivity from
>>> the TC instance to the DB instance.
>> Just to confirm: you want to encrypt the communication channel
>> between your application (really the JDBC driver) and the database?
>> -chris
> There appears to be at least two ways of doing this.
> 1. Build an SSH tunnel between your Tomcat server and DB server
> This requires ssh and remote access to the DB server. You'll also want
> to configure a tunnel to come up when your Tomcat server is restarted
> and resume if the tunnel disconnects. You'll probably want to use a
> certificate-based authentication for the SSH tunnel so user names and
> passwords don't have to be entered.

You can also use stunnel which is slightly simpler and IMO more
reliable, since stunnel has a daemon which can can auto-connect, etc.

> 2. Use SSL at the JDBC level
> MariaDB can be configured to use SSL, and the client can be configured
> to use a certificate. I've not done this, but it appears that the
> connection parameters are useSSL=true, requireSSL=true,
> serverSslCert=certpath. certpath appears to be an absolute file path, a
> path relative to the current classpath, or a DER-encoded certificate string.
> You may (most probably) have to install JCE for the version of Java that
> you are using.
> Please note that I've not tried any of this. Hopefully, the above
> pointers will get you started.

IIRC, *MySQL* is a giant pain in the neck to get going with SSL. I'm not
sure if MariaDB is any easier.

Your existing Java version should be sufficient to make outgoing SSL
connections; there's no need to add JCE or anything else, unless you
want to add the unlimited-strength policy files to allow for ciphers
with larger keys.


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